If you find yourself in a situation where you still need to filing taxes on time, there’s no need to worry because you’re not alone. While it’s ideal to avoid Filing My Taxes at the last minute, there are circumstances where it becomes inevitable, especially considering the current year’s circumstances.

filing taxes on time

The Benefits of Filing My Taxes Return on Time

Filing your tax return on time comes with several advantages that can positively impact your financial situation. Here’s why you should prioritize timely filing:

  1. Avoid Interest and Penalties: Late filing can result in interest charges and penalties imposed by the CRA and Revenu Québec (if applicable) on the amount you owe. Here’s what you need to know:
    • Interest on taxes owing accumulates daily, starting the day after the deadline.
    • Interest on penalties begins accruing from your filing due date.
    • Late filing penalties amount to 5% of your tax owing, plus an additional 1% for each full month your return is overdue, up to a maximum of 12 months.
    • The CRA enforces late-filing penalties and adds interest to unpaid taxes starting May 3, 2022.
    • However, this year, Revenu Québec has extended the deadline for charging late-filing penalties and interest to May 3, 2022.

By filing your return on time, you can avoid the financial burden of late-filing penalties, even if you are unable to immediately pay the taxes you owe.

  1. Expedite Receipt of Your Entitlements: Filing your return on time ensures a smooth flow of benefit payments and refunds. Some key points to consider:
    • If you don’t owe taxes, you generally won’t face interest or penalties for filing late. However, it is still crucial to file on time to prevent any disruptions to your benefit payments.
    • Beneficial programs like the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) and GST/HST credits provide tax-free monthly payments to eligible Canadians. The CRA determines your eligibility based on the information provided in your return. Failing to file on time may result in delayed payments or missed opportunities to receive these benefits.
    • Additionally, filing early allows you to receive your refund promptly and access any credits you share with your spouse or dependents. Maximize your entitlements from the CRA and Revenu Québec (if applicable) by filing your return on time.

By prioritizing timely filing, you not only mitigate the risk of interest and penalties but also ensure a seamless process for receiving your entitled benefits and refunds. Take control of your financial well-being by filing your tax return on time.

filing taxes on time

Protect Your Identity and Meet Tax Deadlines

Protecting your identity is crucial, especially when it comes to tax-related matters. Tax identity theft occurs when someone fraudulently uses your personal information to file a return and claim your refund, GST/HST credits, and other credits for themselves. Discovering this theft often happens when you attempt to file your return and it gets rejected as a duplicate. Filing your taxes on time reduces the risk of someone else exploiting your information. For more information on avoiding scams related to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), refer to our informative blog.

When is the Deadline to File? Unless you are self-employed, the deadline to file your 2021 return is April 30, 2024. However, since April 30, 2024 falls on a Saturday, for Filing My Taxes you have until May 2, 2024, to meet the deadline.

If you are self-employed, your filing deadline is June 15, 2024. It’s important to note that if you owe federal taxes, your payment is due by May 2, 2024. For Quebec residents with provincial tax liabilities this year, the deadline to settle the balance is also May 2, 2024. This means that Revenu Québec will not add interest to the amount you owe until May 3, 2024.

If you and your spouse are filing my taxes returns together and only one of you is self-employed, you can still file both returns by June 15, 2024, as long as any outstanding balance is paid by May 2, 2024.


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Is Tax Relief Available? Under certain circumstances, such as natural disasters, you may be eligible for taxpayer relief. This means the CRA and Revenu Québec can waive penalties or interest if you are unable to file your return or pay taxes on time due to uncontrollable factors. To determine if your situation qualifies for this relief, for Filing My Taxes please visit the CRA website.

If you received Employment Insurance (EI) benefits or COVID-19 emergency benefits in 2020 and your taxable income was below $75,000, you are not required to pay the taxes you owe until May 2, 2024. For Filing My Taxes, it’s important to remember that you still needed to file your return by April 30, 2023, for Filing My Taxes to avoid late-filing penalties. Safeguard your financial well-being by meeting the necessary tax deadlines and taking the appropriate steps to protect your identity.

Tax season can be a stressful time for many individuals, but filing your taxes on time offers numerous advantages that can positively impact your financial health and peace of mind. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of filing my taxes promptly and why it’s a crucial financial responsibility.

1. Avoid Penalties and Interest Charges

One of the most significant benefits of filing your taxes on time is avoiding penalties and interest charges. If you miss the tax filing deadline, you may be subject to late-filing penalties for Filing My Taxes. Additionally, any outstanding tax balances will accrue interest until they are paid in full. By filing on time, you can sidestep these additional costs.

2. Ensure Timely Refunds

If you are owed a tax refund, filing my taxes promptly ensures that you receive your refund sooner. The government processes tax returns in the order they are received, so filing my taxes early can lead to quicker refunds. These funds can be used for various purposes, from paying bills to investing or saving for your financial goals.

3. Access to Tax Credits and Benefits

Filing your taxes on time ensures that you can access various tax credits and benefits that you may be eligible for. This includes government programs like the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in the U.S., and many others. These benefits can provide valuable financial support for you and your family.

Access to Tax Credits and Benefits

4. Financial Planning and Budgeting

Timely filing of taxes allows you to have a clear picture of your financial situation. By knowing your tax liability or refund amount, you can better plan your budget and allocate your resources. This information is essential for making informed financial decisions throughout the year for Filing My Taxes.

5. Avoid Stress and Last-Minute Rush

Procrastinating on your taxes can lead to stress and a last-minute rush to gather documents and complete your return. By filing early or on time, you can alleviate this stress and take a more organized and methodical approach to your tax preparation for Filing My Taxes.

6. Demonstrate Financial Responsibility

Filing your taxes on time is a responsible financial habit that demonstrates your commitment to complying with tax regulations. It reflects positively on your financial reputation and may be advantageous when applying for loans or mortgages.

7. Reduce the Risk of Audits

While filing your taxes on time doesn’t guarantee that you won’t be audited, it can reduce the likelihood. Consistently meeting tax deadlines and accurately reporting your income and deductions can make your tax return less likely to trigger an audit.

8. Avoid Extension Hassles

Filing for a tax extension can be a useful tool in certain situations, but it should not be relied upon as a regular practice. Extensions come with their own set of rules and potential penalties if taxes owed are not paid on time. Filing on time eliminates the need for extensions and the associated complexities.


Filing your taxes on time is not just a legal obligation; it offers numerous financial benefits and peace of mind. Avoiding penalties, accessing tax credits and benefits, and ensuring timely refunds are just a few of the advantages for Filing My Taxes. By making tax preparation a priority and staying organized throughout the year, you can reap these benefits and maintain control of your financial well-being.


How does filing your taxes on time affect your eligibility for beneficial programs like the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) and GST/HST credits?

Filing your taxes on time is crucial for maintaining eligibility for beneficial programs such as the CCB and GST/HST credits. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) uses the information provided in your tax return to determine your eligibility for these tax-free monthly payments. Failing to file on time can lead to delayed payments or even cause you to miss out on receiving these benefits altogether. Therefore, it is essential to meet the tax filing deadlines to ensure you continue to receive the financial support you are entitled to.

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