You may have heard the term ‘Pro Deposit’ before. If you reside in Alberta or Ontario, you may have received a child and family benefit payment from the Canada Revenue Agency through Pro Deposit. Your eligibility for this payment is determined by your financial situation and place of residence, and it is often distributed through direct deposit.

What is Canada PRO and how does it work?

If you reside in Ontario, the Canada PRO deposit you received is likely the Ontario Trillium Benefit, which can qualify you for one of three tax credits: the Credit for Northern Ontario Energy, the Ontario Property Tax Credit and Energy Credit, or the Credit for Ontario Sales Tax. Meanwhile, if you live in Alberta, the Canada PRO payments are associated with the Alberta Child and Family Benefit (ACFB), which combines two social assistance programs: the Alberta Child Benefit and the Alberta Family Employment Tax Credit. Both programs are overseen by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

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What is the process for receiving a Canada PRO deposit?

Canada PRO is a government initiative that facilitates the allocation of tax credits and benefit program funds to eligible individuals in Ontario and Alberta. The CRA makes PRO deposits on behalf of these provinces. To qualify for benefits from these annual entitlement programs, you must meet specific income and residency requirements. The benefits are tax-free and can be distributed monthly or as a lump sum.

Not all bank accounts may be eligible for the Canada Pro Deposit. However, if you reside in Ontario or Alberta and meet the requirements for at least one of the following tax credits, you may expect to receive the Canada PRO deposit: Ontario Property Tax Credit and Energy Credit (OEPTC), Northern Ontario Energy (NOEC), or Alberta Child and Family Benefits (ACFB). If you qualify for any or all of these benefits, deposits labeled as “Canada PRO Deposit” will be sent to your account.

Pro Deposit

Overview of Credit for Northern Ontario Energy:

This benefit is available to Ontario residents who spend more on energy. The amount received is determined by the number of people living in the home, with $158 allocated to single individuals and $243 given to households with more than one person.

To be eligible for this benefit, you must apply and provide information about your rent, property taxes, and energy costs when filing your taxes.

Additionally, you must meet the following requirements:

be at least 18 years old, not have had a spouse or common-law partner in the past, and not have a child who shares a home with a parent. In the prior year, you must have either paid rent or property taxes for your primary residence, owned a home and paid for energy costs while residing on a reserve in Northern Ontario (e.g., electricity, heat), or lived in a long-term care facility in Northern Ontario and contributed to the cost of your housing.

After completing your tax return and submitting the necessary paperwork, your eligibility for this benefit will be reviewed, and you will begin receiving benefits. This process may take several months.

Also Read: Payment Dates for Canada Child Benefit in 2024

Overview of Ontario Property Tax Credit and Energy Credit:

This program is designed to aid low- to moderate-income Ontario residents with their property taxes and energy sales taxes. To apply for this program, you must submit an application when you file your tax return, similar to the Northern Ontario Energy Credit. After that, you may choose to receive monthly payments or a lump sum payment annually.

Individuals between the ages of 18 and 64 are eligible for up to $1,095 per year through the energy and property tax components of the Ontario Trillium Benefit. Those over the age of 65 may receive up to $1,247. Those residing in long-term care facilities or on a reservation are eligible for $243.

Pro Deposit

Eligibility for Canada PRO Deposit in Alberta

To be eligible for the ACFB and receive the Canada PRO deposit in Alberta, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Your income must be below the set standards, as the program is intended for low-income households.
  • You must be a resident of Alberta and file taxes.
  • You must have children who are under 18 years of age.

Also Read: CRA Verification: A Step-by-Step Guide

Canada PRO Deposit Payment Dates

The yearly sum for the Ontario Trillium Benefit is usually divided by 12, and payments are made on a monthly basis. However, if you are entitled to receive more than $360, you can choose to receive your payment in monthly installments starting in July or as a single payment in June. If the amount is less than $360, it will be paid in a single installment in July.

If you choose to receive monthly installments, payments are usually made on the 10th of each month. You can expect to receive payments on the following dates:

  • January 10, 2024
  • February 10, 2024
  • March 10, 2024
  • April 7, 2024
  • May 10, 2024
  • June 9, 2024
  • July 10, 2024
  • August 10, 2024
  • September 8, 2024
  • October 10, 2024
  • November 10, 2024
  • December 8, 2024

The Canada Pro Deposit can be a valuable addition to your income and potentially boost your investments and savings. It’s likely a worthwhile amount to consider investing. With careful selection of the right asset and patience for growth, even a small investment can appreciate in value.


Is the Canadian PRO Deposit taxable?

The Canada PRO deposit is not subject to taxation. Both the Alberta Child and Family Benefit (ACFB) and the Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) are exempt from taxes. Therefore, you are not obligated to pay taxes on any Canada PRO Deposit connected to either of these two payments.

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